
  • MilkGuard Rapid Test Kit rau Fluoroquinolones

    MilkGuard Rapid Test Kit rau Fluoroquinolones

    Nrog rau kev siv dav dav ntawm fluoroquinolones, cov kab mob tsis zoo thiab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tsis zoo kuj tau tshwm sim ib zaug ntxiv.Kev lag luam tshiab fluoroquinolones xws li temafloxacin raug txiav tawm tsuas yog 15 lub lis piam tom qab lawv tau tsim tawm hauv UK xyoo 1992 vim muaj kev phiv xws li kev ua xua, hemorrhage, thiab lub raum tsis ua haujlwm.Yog li ntawd, nws tsis yog tias qhov siab dua cov roj solubility thiab ntev dua ib nrab-lub neej, qhov zoo dua, thiab cov tshuaj pharmacokinetics thiab kev kho mob zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo yuav tsum raug txiav txim siab.

  • MilkGuard Rapid Test Kit rau Spiramycin

    MilkGuard Rapid Test Kit rau Spiramycin

    Ib qho kev phiv tshwm sim ntawm streptomycin yog ototoxicity, vim tias streptomycin accumulates hauv pob ntseg thiab ua rau lub vestibular thiab cochlear qab haus huv.Streptomycin tuaj yeem ua rau tsis hnov ​​​​lus mus tas li.Streptomycin yuav khaws cia rau hauv ob lub raum thiab ua rau lub raum puas, nrog pom tseeb nephrotoxicity.Streptomycin tej zaum yuav muaj kev tsis haum tshuaj rau qee tus neeg mob.

  • Elisa Test Kit ntawm CAP

    Elisa Test Kit ntawm CAP

    Kwinbon cov khoom siv no tuaj yeem siv rau hauv qhov ntau thiab qhov zoo ntawm CAP residue hauv cov khoom siv dej ntses ntses ntses thiab lwm yam.

    Nws yog tsim los ntes chloramphenicol raws li p rinciple ntawm "hauv kev sib tw ncaj qha" enzyme immunoassay.Lub qhov dej microtiter yog coated nrog coupling antigen.Chloramphenicol hauv cov qauv sib tw nrog cov txheej txheem antigen rau kev khi rau qhov txwv cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntxiv.Tom qab qhov sib ntxiv ntawm kev npaj siv TMB sub strate lub teeb liab yog ntsuas hauv ELISA nyeem ntawv .Kev nqus yog inversely proportional rau chloramphenicol concentration hauv cov qauv.

  • MilkGuard tshis Mis Adulteration Test Kit

    MilkGuard tshis Mis Adulteration Test Kit

    Cov khoom tsim muaj nyob rau hauv kev tshawb nrhiav kev nyab xeeb ntawm zaub mov, thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog muaj feem xyuam rau txoj kev kuaj pom zoo rau cov mis nyuj hauv tshis mis hmoov.
    Tom qab ntawd tom qab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv xim, qhov tshwm sim tuaj yeem pom.

  • MilkGuard Aflatoxin M1 Test Kit

    MilkGuard Aflatoxin M1 Test Kit

    Aflatoxin M1 hauv cov qauv sib tw s rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob nrog BSA txuas antigen coated rau ntawm daim nyias nyias ntawm cov ntawv xeem.Tom qab ntawd tom qab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv xim, qhov tshwm sim tuaj yeem pom.



  • MilkGuard Melamine Rapid Test Kit

    MilkGuard Melamine Rapid Test Kit

    Melamine yog cov khoom siv tshuaj thiab cov khoom siv raw rau kev tsim cov melamine resins los ua cov kua nplaum, cov khoom siv ntawv, textiles, cov tais diav hauv chav ua noj, thiab lwm yam. Txawm li cas los xij, qee cov neeg ntxiv melamine rau cov khoom noj siv mis kom muaj nitrogen ntau ntxiv thaum kuaj cov ntsiab lus protein.

  • Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay Kit for Quantitative Analysis of Tylosin

    Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay Kit for Quantitative Analysis of Tylosin

    Tylosin yog tshuaj tua kab mob macrolide, uas yog siv los ua cov tshuaj tua kab mob thiab tiv thaiv mycoplasma.Kev nruj MRLs tau tsim vim tias cov tshuaj no tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev phiv loj hauv qee pawg.

    Cov khoom siv no yog cov khoom siv tshiab raws li ELISA thev naus laus zis, uas yog ceev, yooj yim, raug thiab rhiab piv nrog cov cuab yeej ntsuas thiab tsuas yog xav tau 1.5 teev hauv ib qho kev ua haujlwm, nws tuaj yeem txo qis kev ua haujlwm yuam kev thiab ua haujlwm hnyav.

  • Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay Kit for Quantitative analysis of Flumequine

    Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay Kit for Quantitative analysis of Flumequine

    Flumequine yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm quinolone antibacterial, uas yog siv los ua ib qho tseem ceeb heev los tiv thaiv kab mob nyob rau hauv cov kws kho tsiaj thiab cov khoom nyob rau hauv dej rau nws broad spectrum, high efficiency, tsawg toxicity thiab muaj zog cov ntaub so ntswg nkag.Nws kuj yog siv rau kev kho kab mob, tiv thaiv thiab txhawb kev loj hlob.Vim tias nws tuaj yeem ua rau muaj tshuaj tiv thaiv thiab muaj peev xwm carcinogenicity, qhov siab txwv ntawm cov tsiaj cov ntaub so ntswg tau raug sau tseg hauv EU, Nyiv (qhov txwv siab yog 100ppb hauv EU).

    Tam sim no, spectrofluorometer, ELISA thiab HPLC yog cov txheej txheem tseem ceeb los kuaj xyuas cov flumequine residue, thiab ELISA tau ua ib txoj hauv kev rau lub siab rhiab heev thiab ua haujlwm yooj yim.

  • Pendimethalin Residue Test Kit

    Pendimethalin Residue Test Kit

    Pendimethalin raug pom tias yuav ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev tsim mob qog noj ntshav pancreatic, yog ib hom mob qog noj ntshav uas tuag taus ntau tshaj plaws.Ib txoj kev tshawb fawb luam tawm nyob rau hauv International Journal of Cancer qhia txog qhov nce peb zaug ntawm cov neeg thov nyob rau hauv ib nrab ntawm lub neej siv tshuaj tua kab mob.Pendimethalin Residue Test Kit Cat.KB05802K-20T Hais txog cov khoom siv no yog siv rau kev soj ntsuam zoo sai ntawm pendimethalin residue hauv nplooj ntawv luam yeeb.Cov nplooj ntawv luam yeeb tshiab: carbendazim: 5mg / kg (p...
  • MilkGuard 3 nyob rau hauv 1 BTS Combo Test Kit

    MilkGuard 3 nyob rau hauv 1 BTS Combo Test Kit

    ARs hauv mis nyuj yog ib qho kev txhawj xeeb loj hauv xyoo tas los no.Kwinbon MilkGuard xeem yog pheej yig, ceev, thiab ua tau yooj yim.Cat.KB02129Y-96T Hais txog cov khoom siv no yog siv rau kev soj ntsuam zoo sai ntawm β-lactams, sulfonamides thiab tetracyclines hauv cov qauv mis nyuj nyoos.Beta-lactam thiab Tetracycline tshuaj tua kab mob yog cov tshuaj tua kab mob loj siv rau kev kho cov kab mob kab mob hauv cov nyuj, tab sis kuj rau kev loj hlob thiab kev kho mob sib koom ua ke.Tab sis siv tshuaj tua kab mob rau ...
  • MilkGuard 2 hauv 1 BT Combo Test Kit

    MilkGuard 2 hauv 1 BT Combo Test Kit

    Cov khoom siv no yog tsim los ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tshwj xeeb-antigen thiab immunochromatography.β-lactams thiab tetracyclines tshuaj tua kab mob hauv cov qauv sib tw rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob nrog cov antigen coated rau ntawm daim nyias nyias ntawm cov ntawv xeem.Tom qab ntawd tom qab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv xim, qhov tshwm sim tuaj yeem pom.Cov kab ntawv xeem tuaj yeem sib phim nrog cov khoom ntsuas kub colloidal rau kev tshawb nrhiav tib lub sijhawm, thiab rho tawm cov ntaub ntawv kuaj cov qauv.Tom qab kev txheeb xyuas cov ntaub ntawv, qhov kev xeem zaum kawg yuav tau txais.


  • Isoprocarb Residue Detection Test Card

    Isoprocarb Residue Detection Test Card

    Cov tshuaj tua kab rau Isoprocarb, suav nrog kev pom zoo, ib puag ncig txoj hmoo, eco-toxicity thiab teeb meem kev noj qab haus huv tib neeg.

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