
Now, we entered the hottest"Dog Days" of the year, from July 11 officially into the dog days, to August 19, the dog days will last for 40 days. This is also the high incidence of food poisoning. The highest number of food poisoning cases occurred in august-september and the highest number of deaths occurred in July.

Food safety accidents in summer are mostly bacterial food poisoning caused by microorganisms. The main pathogens are Vibrio parahaemolyticus, salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, diarrheal Escherichia coli, botulinum toxin, and acidotoxin, which has a mortality of up to 40% .


Two women in Yongcheng, Henan province, were recently poisoned after eating cold noodle. They were subsequently confirmed by the Yongcheng market authority as having rice yeast acidosis.

Post time: Aug-05-2023